Methodism in Norwood began in March, 1888, in a mission established by the Prospect Park Methodist Church in the vacant old Norwood Hotel located on the south side of Ridley Avenue, between Welcome Avenue and Chester Pike. Out of this mission grew the desire to build a Norwood Methodist Church, and the Norwood Church Building Association was formed. Mrs. William Hazzard donated a plot of ground and lumber was purchased. The men worked at night and in two weeks completed building a temporary chapel. The Ladies Aid Society was organized June 15, 1888, the first Trustees were elected by the Prospect Park Quarterly Conference on June 17, and the first regular meeting of the properly constituted Board was held October 9.
Membership and services grew so rapidly that erection of a new church building was necessary. The corner stone was laid on November 14, 1888 and the building was dedicated on April 10, 1898. It was decided that a more central location would enable the church to better serve the community, so moving of the church building to the corner of Chester Pike and Ridley Avenue began on November 23, 1908, and the new corner stone was put in place on December 13, 1908.
During the succeeding years, the increase in church and Sunday School attendance made it necessary to provide much larger facilities. The hopes of years were realized when the members and friends gathered for ground breaking exercises on June 7, 1924 and construction started immediately. The corner stone was laid on August 17, 1924 and the building was dedicated on November 1, 1925.
Due to continued growth, a building program was presented for constructing a religious educational building and making certain alterations to the present church building. It was approved by the congregation and the corner stone was laid September 11, 1955. Consecration by Bishop Corson took place December 18.
History goes on. As each day and year passes on, it leaves behind it some worthwhile service performed. The Christian service begun by the founders of Norwood Methodist Church is continued by each new generation of Christians who accept the challenge and contribute to the advancement of Christianity.
Allow God to reveal your part in His plan for building a new tomorrow for our community and world. As God loves us and gives us life abundantly, let us continue to share it with others.
Methodist Episcopal Church 1889
Church moved to Chester Pike 1908
Norwood United Methodist Church as it stands today.
Methodist Episcopal Church 1889